The world of last Shabbat feels like a lifetime ago. I wasn't even sure if I should think about and post about a Parsha-inspired menu this week. It felt frivolous when so much of my brain is consumed with the news out of Israel, the worry for family and friends, the pain of those killed or missing, the anger, and the desperation for an end to the hatred and dehumanization of the Jewish people. On the other hand, this week it is so important to honor Shabbat - to "do Jewish" and hold

tight to the observance of our cherished and sacred religion and to celebrate a Shabbat of peace for all those who cannot, including the Israeli citizens and soldiers who have to stay on high alert all the time right now.
So, this week we will have what I think of as a classic shabbat menu, one that brings me comfort in its familiarity and reminders of time with family and friends. Classic Shabbat also fits with the parsha since right at the beginning of the parsha, God creates the world and then rests and gives us the gift of Shabbat. There will be a menu item for each day of creation.
Challah (representing Shabbat - Day 7 of creation)
Chicken soup & beef kreplach (land animals - Day 6 of creation)
Baked chicken (flying animals - Day 5 of creation), with the schmaltz you can dip into
Roasted carrots (plants and tress - Day 3 of creation)
Salad (thinking of plants and tress - Day 3 of creation)
Black & white cookies or cake (separated light and darkness - Day 1 of creation)
Water to drink (which we always do, but this time we'll note it for Day 2 of creation)
Sunflowers for the table (sun, moon, and stars - Day 4 of creation)
May this Shabbat brings us a measure of peace and may God bless and protect Israel.
B'tayavon and Shabbat Shalom.